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Cardiovascular Day

Cardiovascular diseases are the most frequent causes of death in the United States. Scientists at the University of Missouri School of Medicine, the Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources, and College of Engineering strive for excellence in cardiovascular research. The purpose of this research is to gain a more fundamental understanding of cardiovascular function to enhance therapy and discover new drugs to treat these diseases.

We are proud of our partnerships and collaborative research efforts derived from this alliance.

Cardiovascular Day presents an opportunity to share information relating to cardiovascular research at MU with colleagues, the university community, area physicians, and other colleges and universities in the region.

2025 - 32nd Annual Cardiovascular Day
2024 - 31st Annual Cardiovascular Day
2023 - 30th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2022 - 29th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2021 - 28th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2020 - 27th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2019 - 26th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2018 - 25th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2017 - 24th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2016 - 23rd Annual Cardiovascular Day
2015 - 22nd Annual Cardiovascular Day
2014 - 21st Annual Cardiovascular Day
2013 - 20th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2012 - 19th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2011 - 18th Annual Cardiovascular Day
2010 - 17th Annual Cardiovascular Day

James O. Davis Distinguished Lecturer

James O. Davis, M.D., Ph.D., who unfortunately passed away September 28, 2010, began his career at the University of Missouri in the Department of Zoology. He received his Ph.D. in 1942 and subsequently completed an M.D. at Washington University School of Medicine in 1945. In 1947, Dr. Davis accepted a position at the National Institutes of Health. In 1966, he returned to the University of Missouri to chair the Department of Physiology.

Dr. Davis was considered the pioneer in cardiovascular science at MU and was internationally recognized for his contributions in the area of congestive heart failure and hypertension. His many honors included the Sigma Xi Research Award (MU), Alpha Omega Alpha (Washington University School of Medicine), Golden Apple Teaching Award in Medicine (MU), Modern Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for "proof of the involvement of the kidney in the production of aldosterone", the MU Faculty/Alumni Award, Outstanding Alumnus Award from Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Distinguished Alumnus Award of the College of Arts and Science (MU), Ciba Award for Hypertension Research from the American Heart Association, The Carl J. Wiggers Award for Cardiovascular Research of the American Phyiological Society, Citation of Merit Award in Medicine (MU), the establishment of the James O. Davis Distinguished Professorship in Cardiovascular Research (MU), and election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1982.

In honor of Dr. Davis, the keynote speaker for Cardiovascular Day receives the title James O. Davis Distinguished Lecturer.